Power to the people: The role of humans in interactive machine learning
S. Amershi, M. Cakmak, W. B. Knox, and T. Kulesza, “Power to the people: The role of humans in interactive machine learning,” Artificial Intelligence Magazine, pp. 105–120, 2015, doi: 10.1609/aimag.v35i4.2513.
Intelligent systems that learn interactively from their end-users are quickly becoming widespread. Until recently, this progress has been fueled mostly by advances in machine learning; however, more and more researchers are realizing the importance of studying users of these systems. In this article we promote this approach and demonstrate how it can result in better user experiences and more effective learning systems. We present a number of case studies that characterize the impact of interactivity, demonstrate ways in which some existing systems fail to account for the user, and explore new ways for learning systems to interact with their users. We argue that the design process for interactive machine learning systems should involve users at all stages: explorations that reveal human interaction patterns and inspire novel interaction methods, as well as refinement stages to tune details of the interface and choose among alternatives. After giving a glimpse of the progress that has been made so far, we discuss the challenges that we face in moving the field forward.
BibTeX Entry
@article{amershi2015aimag, title = {Power to the people: The role of humans in interactive machine learning}, author = {Amershi, Saleema and Cakmak, Maya and Knox, W. Bradley and Kulesza, Todd}, year = {2015}, journal = {Artificial Intelligence Magazine}, pages = {105--120}, doi = {10.1609/aimag.v35i4.2513}, type = {journal} }