1. conference Lessons Learned from Designing and Evaluating a Robot-assisted Feeding System for Out-of-lab Use
    Amal Nanavati, Ethan K Gordon, Taylor A Kessler Faulkner, Yuxin (Ray) Song, Johnathan Ko, Tyler Schrenk, Vy Nguyen, Bernie Hao Zhu, Haya Bolotski, Atharva Kashyap, Sriram Kutty, Raida Karim, Liander Rainbolt, Rosario Scalise, Hanjun Song, Ramon Qu, Maya Cakmak, Siddhartha S Srinivasa
    ACM/IEEE International Conference on Human-Robot Interaction (HRI), 2025
    [pdf] [bib] [video] [url]


  1. conference Using 3D Mice to Control Robot Manipulators
    Varad Dhat, Nick Walker, Maya Cakmak
    ACM/IEEE International Conference on Human-Robot Interaction (HRI), 2024
    Best Short Contribution [pdf] [bib] [code]
  2. conference Fast Explicit-Input Assistance for Teleoperation in Clutter
    Nick Walker, Xuning Yang, Animesh Garg, Maya Cakmak, Dieter Fox, Claudia Pérez-D’Arpino
    2024 IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems (IROS), 2024
    [pdf] [bib] [code]
  3. journal Physically assistive robots: A systematic review of mobile and manipulator robots that physically assist people with disabilities
    Amal Nanavati, Vinitha Ranganeni, Maya Cakmak
    Annual Review of Control, Robotics, and Autonomous Systems, 2024
    [pdf] [bib]
  4. workshop Multiple Ways of Working with Users to Develop Physically Assistive Robots
    A. Nanavati^*, M. Pascher^*, V. Ranganeni, E.K. Gordon, T.A.K. Faulkner, S.S. Srinivasa, M. Cakmak, P. Alves-Oliveira, J. Gerken
    ACM/IEEE International Conference on Human-Robot Interaction (HRI) Workshop on Assistive Applications, Accessibility, and Disability Ethics (A3DE), 2024
    [pdf] [bib] [poster]
  5. workshop An Adaptable, Safe, and Portable Robot-Assisted Feeding System
    E.K. Gordon^*, R.K. Jenamani^*, A. Nanavati^*, Z. Liu, H. Bolotski, R. Karim, D. Stabile, A. Kashyap, B. H. Zhu, X. Dai, T. Schrenk, J. Ko, T.A.K. Faulkner, T. Bhattacharjee, S.S. Srinivasa
    Companion of the 2024 ACM/IEEE International Conference on Human-Robot Interaction, 2024
    Best Demo Award Winner [pdf] [bib] [video] [url]


  1. conference Towards general single-utensil food acquisition with human-informed actions
    Ethan Kroll Gordon, Amal Nanavati, Ramya Challa, Bernie Hao Zhu, Taylor Annette Kessler Faulkner, Siddhartha Srinivasa
    Conference on Robot Learning (CoRL), 2023
    [pdf] [bib] [video] [url] [poster]
  2. conference Exploring Levels of Control for a Navigation Assistant for Blind Travelers
    Vinitha Ranganeni, Mike Sinclair, Eyal Ofek, Amos Miller, Jonathan Campbell, Andrey Kolobov, Edward Cutrell
    ACM/IEEE International Conference on Human-Robot Interaction (HRI), 2023
  3. conference Design Principles for Robot-Assisted Feeding in Social Contexts
    Amal Nanavati, Patricia Alves-Oliveira, Tyler Schrenk, Ethan K. Gordon, Maya Cakmak, Siddhartha S. Srinivasa
    ACM/IEEE International Conference on Human-Robot Interaction (HRI), 2023
    Best Design Paper Award [pdf] [bib] [video] [url]
  4. video Unintended Failures of Robot-Assisted Feeding in Social Contexts
    Amal Nanavati, Patricia Alves-Oliveira, Tyler Schrenk, Ethan K. Gordon, Maya Cakmak, Siddhartha S. Srinivasa
    Companion of the ACM/IEEE International Conference on Human-Robot Interaction (HRI), 2023
    [pdf] [bib] [video] [url]
  5. conference Sketching Robot Programs On the Fly
    David Porfirio, Laura Stegner, Maya Cakmak, Allison Sauppé, Aws Albarghouthi, Bilge Mutlu
    ACM/IEEE International Conference on Human-Robot Interaction (HRI), 2023
  6. late-breaking Tell Me About It: Adolescent Self-Disclosure with an Online Robot for Mental Health
    Tony W. Li, Michael Murray, Zander Brumbaugh, Raida Karim, Hanna Lee, Maya Cakmak, Elin A. Bjorling
    ACM/IEEE International Conference on Human-Robot Interaction (HRI) – Late breaking reports, 2023
  7. late-breaking Crowdsourcing Task Traces for Service Robotics
    David Porfirio, Allison Sauppé, Maya Cakmak, Aws Albarghouthi, Bilge Mutlu
    ACM/IEEE International Conference on Human-Robot Interaction (HRI) – Late breaking reports, 2023


  1. conference Not All Who Wander Are Lost: A Localization-Free System for In-the-Wild Mobile Robot Deployments
    Amal Nanavati, Nick Walker, Lee Taber, Christoforos Mavrogiannis, Leila Takayama, Maya Cakmak, Siddhartha S. Srinivasa
    ACM/IEEE International Conference on Human-Robot Interaction (HRI), 2022
    [pdf] [bib] [url] [code]
  2. conference Mimic: In-Situ Recording and Re-Use of Demonstrations to Support Robot Teleoperation
    Karthik Mahadevan, Yan Chen, Maya Cakmak, Anthony Tang, Tovi Grossman
    ACM Symposium on User Interface Software and Technology (UIST), 2022
    [bib] [url]
  3. conference FLEX-SDK: An Open-Source Software Development Kit for Creating Social Robots
    Patricia Alves-Oliveira, Kai Mihata, Raida Karim, Elin A Bjorling, Maya Cakmak
    ACM Symposium on User Interface Software and Technology (UIST), 2022
    [bib] [url] [code]
  4. conference Share with Me: A Study on a Social Robot Collecting Mental Health Data
    Raida Karim, Edgar Lopez, Katelynn Oleson, Tony Li, Elin A Björling, Maya Cakmak
    International Conference on Social Robotics (ICSR), 2022
    [bib] [arxiv] [url]
  5. workshop Interaction Templates: A Data-Driven Approach for Authoring Robot Programs
    David Porfirio, Maya Cakmak, Allison Sauppé, Aws Albarghouthi, Bilge Mutlu
    PLATEAU: 12th Annual Workshop at the Intersection of PL and HCI, 2022
  6. conference Flexi: A robust and flexible social robot embodiment kit
    Patricia Alves-Oliveira, Matthew Bavier, Samrudha Malandkar, Ryan Eldridge, Julie Sayigh, Elin A Björling, Maya Cakmak
    Designing Interactive Systems Conference (DIS), 2022
    [bib] [url]
  7. conference Robots for Connection: A Co-Design Study with Adolescents
    Patricia Alves-Oliveira, Elin A Björling, Patriya Wiesmann, Heba Dwikat, Simran Bhatia, Kai Mihata, Maya Cakmak
    IEEE International Conference on Robot and Human Interactive Communication (RO-MAN), 2022
    [bib] [url]
  8. journal Following natural language instructions for household tasks with landmark guided search and reinforced pose adjustment
    Michael Murray, Maya Cakmak
    IEEE Robotics and Automation Letters (R-AL), 2022
    [bib] [url]
  9. journal Learning perceptual concepts by bootstrapping from human queries
    Andreea Bobu, Chris Paxton, Wei Yang, Balakumar Sundaralingam, Yu-Wei Chao, Maya Cakmak, Dieter Fox
    IEEE Robotics and Automation Letters (R-AL), 2022
    [bib] [arxiv] [url]
  10. journal Connecting the Dots of Social Robot Design From Interviews With Robot Creators
    Patricia Alves-Oliveira, Alaina Orr, Elin A Björling, Maya Cakmak
    Frontiers in Robotics and AI, 2022
    [bib] [url]
  11. journal Robot-mediated interventions for youth mental health
    Patricia Alves-Oliveira, Tanya Budhiraja, Samuel So, Raida Karim, Elin Björling, Maya Cakmak
    Design for Health, 2022
    [bib] [url]
  12. conference HandoverSim: A Simulation Framework and Benchmark for Human-to-Robot Object Handovers
    Yu-Wei Chao, Chris Paxton, Yu Xiang, Wei Yang, Balakumar Sundaralingam, Tao Chen, Adithyavairavan Murali, Maya Cakmak, Dieter Fox
    IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA), 2022
    [bib] [url]
  13. conference Model Predictive Control for Fluid Human-to-Robot Handovers
    Wei Yang, Balakumar Sundaralingam, Chris Paxton, Iretiayo Akinola, Yu-Wei Chao, Maya Cakmak, Dieter Fox
    IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA), 2022
    [bib] [url]
  14. late-breaking Community-Based Data Visualization for Mental Well-being with a Social Robot
    Raida Karim, Yufei Zhang, Patricia Alves-Oliveira, Elin A Björling, Maya Cakmak
    ACM/IEEE International Conference on Human-Robot Interaction (HRI) - Late breaking reports, 2022
  15. late-breaking Authoring human simulators via probabilistic functional reactive program synthesis
    Michael Jae-Yoon Chung, Maya Cakmak
    ACM/IEEE International Conference on Human-Robot Interaction (HRI) - Late breaking reports, 2022
  16. workshop Participatory Design for Mental Health Data Visualization on a Social Robot
    Raida Karim, Edgar Lopez, Elin A Björling, Maya Cakmak
    HRI 2022 Workshop on Participatory Design and End-User Programming for Human-Robot Interaction, 2022
    [bib] [arxiv]


  1. conference Learning Backchanneling Behaviors for a Social Robot via Data Augmentation from Human-Human Conversations
    Michael Murray, Nick Walker, Amal Nanavati, Patricia Alves-Oliveira, Nikita Filippov, Allison Sauppe, Bilge Mutlu, Maya Cakmak
    Conference on Robot Learning (CoRL), 2021
    [pdf] [bib] [poster]
  2. conference Influencing Behavioral Attributions to Robot Motion During Task Execution
    Nick Walker, Christoforos Mavrogiannis, Siddhartha Srinivasa, Maya Cakmak
    Conference on Robot Learning (CoRL), 2021
    [pdf] [bib] [url] [code] [poster]
  3. conference Modeling Human Helpfulness with Individual and Contextual Factors for Robot Planning
    Amal Nanavati, Christoforos Mavrogiannis, Kevin Weatherwax, Leila Takayama, Maya Cakmak, Siddhartha S Srinivasa
    Robotics: Science and Systems (R:SS), 2021
    [pdf] [bib] [video] [url]
  4. workshop Assistive tele-op: Leveraging transformers to collect robotic task demonstrations
    Henry M Clever, Ankur Handa, Hammad Mazhar, Kevin Parker, Omer Shapira, Qian Wan, Yashraj Narang, Iretiayo Akinola, Maya Cakmak, Dieter Fox
    4th NeurIPS Robot Learning Workshop on Self-Supervised and Lifelong Learning, 2021
    [bib] [arxiv]
  5. conference Cursor-based Robot Tele-manipulation through 2D-to-SE2 Interfaces
    Maria E Cabrera, Kavi Dey, Kavita Krishnaswamy, Tapomayukh Bhattacharjee, Maya Cakmak
    IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems (IROS), 2021
  6. conference An exploration of accessible remote tele-operation for assistive mobile manipulators in the home
    Maria E Cabrera, Tapomayukh Bhattacharjee, Kavi Dey, Maya Cakmak
    IEEE International Conference on Robot & Human Interactive Communication (RO-MAN), 2021
  7. conference Figaro: A tabletop authoring environment for human-robot interaction
    David J Porfirio, Laura Stegner, Maya Cakmak, Allison Sauppé, Aws Albarghouthi, Bilge Mutlu
    ACM SIGCHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems (CHI), 2021
  8. conference Reactive Human-to-Robot Handovers of Arbitrary Objects
    Wei Yang, Chris Paxton, Arsalan Mousavian, Yu-Wei Chao, Maya Cakmak, Dieter Fox
    IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA), 2021
    Best HRI Paper Award Winner [bib] [arxiv]
  9. journal Affordance-aware handovers with human arm mobility constraints
    Paola Ardón, Maria E Cabrera, Eric Pairet, Ronald PA Petrick, Subramanian Ramamoorthy, Katrin S Lohan, Maya Cakmak
    IEEE Robotics and Automation Letters, 2021


  1. conference ConCodeIt! A Comparison of Concurrency Interfaces in Block-Based Visual Robot Programming
    Michael Jae-Yoon Chung, Mino Nakura, Sai Harshita Neti, Anthony Lu, Elana Hummel, Maya Cakmak
    IEEE International Symposium on Robot and Human Interactive Communication (RO-MAN), 2020
    [pdf] [bib] [video]
  2. conference Iterative Repair of Social Robot Programs from Implicit User Feedback via Bayesian Inference
    Michael Jae-Yoon Chung, Maya Cakmak
    Robotics: Science and Systems (R:SS), 2020
    [pdf] [bib] [video] [url]
  3. conference Human Perceptions of a Curious Robot that Performs Off-Task Actions
    Nick Walker, Kevin Weatherwax, Julian Alchin, Leila Takayama, Maya Cakmak
    ACM/IEEE International Conference on Human-Robot Interaction (HRI), 2020
    [pdf] [bib] [video]
  4. conference Human Grasp Classification for Reactive Human-to-Robot Handovers
    Wei Yang, Chris Paxton, Maya Cakmak, Dieter Fox
    IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems (IROS), 2020
  5. journal Exploring Teens as Robot Operators, Users and Witnesses in the Wild
    Elin A. Björling, Kyle Thomas, Emma Rose, Maya Cakmak
    Frontiers Robotics and AI, 2020
  6. late-breaking Robotic limb repositioning with supervised autonomy
    Xinyi Wang, Kavita Krishnaswamy, Maria E Cabrera, Maya Cakmak
    ACM/IEEE International Conference on Human-Robot Interaction – Late braking reports, 2020
  7. conference Interactive Tuning of Robot Program Parameters via Expected Divergence Maximization
    Mattia Racca, Ville Kyrki, Maya Cakmak
    ACM/IEEE International Conference on Human Robot Interaction (HRI), 2020
  8. conference Is more autonomy always better? Exploring preferences of mobility-impaired users in robot-assisted feeding
    Tapomayukh Bhattacharjee, Ethan K. Gordon, Rosario Scalise, Maria E. Cabrera, Anat Caspi, Maya Cakmak, Siddhartha S. Srinivasa
    ACM/IEEE International Conference on Human Robot Interaction (HRI), 2020


  1. conference GestureCalc: An Eyes-Free Calculator for Touch Screens
    Bindita Chaudhuri, Leah Perlmutter, Justin Petelka, Philip Garrison, James Fogarty, Jacob O. Wobbrock, Richard E. Ladner
    International ACM SIGACCESS Conference on Computers and Accessibility, 2019
    [bib] [url]
  2. demo Demonstration of GestureCalc: An Eyes-Free Calculator for Touch Screens
    Leah Perlmutter, Bindita Chaudhuri, Justin Petelka, Philip Garrison, James Fogarty, Jacob O. Wobbrock, Richard E. Ladner
    International ACM SIGACCESS Conference on Computers and Accessibility, 2019
    [bib] [url]
  3. conference Vision-and-Dialog Navigation
    Jesse Thomason, Michael Murray, Maya Cakmak, Luke Zettlemoyer
    Conference on Robot Learning (CoRL), 2019
    [pdf] [bib] [url]
  4. workshop Horizontal Multi-Surface Random Sample Consensus for Robust Customizable Shelf Perception
    Yu-Tang Peng, Justin Huang, Maya Cakmak
    IROS 2019 Workshop on Different Approaches, the Same Goal: Autonomous Object Manipulation, 2019
    [pdf] [bib]
  5. conference A Community-Centered Design Framework for Robot-Assisted Feeding Systems
    Tapomayukh Bhattacharjee, Maria E. Cabrera, Anat Caspi, Maya Cakmak, Siddhartha S. Srinivasa
    International ACM SIGACCESS Conference on Computers and Accessibility, 2019
    [bib] [url]
  6. workshop Desiderata for Planning Systems in General-Purpose Service Robots
    Nick Walker, Yuqian Jiang, Maya Cakmak, Peter Stone
    ICAPS Workshop on Planning and Robotics, 2019
    [pdf] [bib] [slides]
  7. conference Neural Semantic Parsing with Anonymization for Command Understanding in General-Purpose Service Robots
    Nick Walker, Yu-Tang Peng, Maya Cakmak
    RoboCup 2019: Robot Soccer World Cup XXIII Symposium, 2019
    [pdf] [bib] [arxiv] [url] [slides]
  8. conference Robot Object Referencing through Legible Situated Projections
    Thomas Weng, Leah Perlmutter, Stefanos Nikolaidis, Siddhartha Srinivasa, Maya Cakmak
    IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA), 2019
  9. conference Synthesizing Robot Manipulation Programs from a Single Observed Human Demonstration
    Justin Huang, Dieter Fox, Maya Cakmak
    IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems (IROS), 2019
  10. conference The Effect of Interaction and Design Participation on Teenagers’ Attitudes towards Social Robots
    Elin A. Björling, Wendy Xu, Maria E. Cabrera, Maya Cakmak
    IEEE International Symposium on Robot and Human Interactive Communication (Ro-Man), 2019
  11. conference SHEBA: A Low-Cost Assistive Robot for Older Adults in the Developing World
    Tamanna Motahar, Fahim Farden, Dibya P. Sarkar, M. Atiqul Islam, Maria E. Cabrera, Maya Cakmak
    IEEE International Symposium on Robot and Human Interactive Communication (Ro-Man), 2019
  12. journal Acceptance and perceived usefulness of robots to assist with activities of daily living and healthcare tasks
    Amanda K. Hall, Uba Backonja, Ian Painter, Maya Cakmak, Minjung Sung, Timothy Lau, Hilaire J. Thompson, George Demiris
    Journal on Assistive Technology, 2019
  13. late-breaking Participatory design with teens: a social robot design challenge
    Emma J Rose, Elin Björling, Maya Cakmak
    18th ACM International Conference on Interaction Design and Children – Extended Abstracts, 2019


  1. conference RobotIST: Interactive Situated Tangible Robot Programming
    Yasaman S. Sefidgar, Thomas Weng, Heather Harvey, Sarah Elliott, Maya Cakmak
    Symposium on Spatial User Interaction (SUI), 2018
  2. conference "How was your stay?": Exploring the Use of Robots for Gathering Customer Feedback in the Hospitality Industry
    Michael Jae-Yoon Chung, Maya Cakmak
    IEEE International Symposium on Robot and Human Interactive Communication (RO-MAN), 2018
    [pdf] [bib]
  3. conference Characterizing the Design Space of Rendered Robot Faces
    Alisa Kalegina, Grace Schroeder, Aidan Allchin, Keara Berlin, Maya Cakmak
    ACM/IEEE International Conference on Human-Robot Interaction (HRI), 2018
    Best Paper Award Finalist [pdf] [bib]
  4. conference Simultaneous End-User Programming of Goals and Actions for Robotic Shelf Organization
    Ying S. Liang, Damien Pellier, Humbert Fiorino, Sylvie Pesty, Maya Cakmak
    IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems (IROS), 2018
  5. conference RobotIST: Interactive Situated Tangible Robot Programming
    Yasaman Sefidgar, Thomas Weng, Heather Harvey, Sarah Elliott, Maya Cakmak
    ACM Symposium on Spatial User Interaction (SUI), 2018
  6. conference How was your stay?: Exploring the Use of Robots for Gathering Customer Feedback in the Hospitality Industry
    Michael J.Y. Chung, Maya Cakmak
    IEEE International Symposium on Robot and Human Interactive Communication (RO-MAN), 2018
  7. conference Robotic Cleaning through Dirt Rearrangement Planning with Learned Transition Models
    Sarah Elliott, Maya Cakmak
    IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA), 2018
  8. journal Teaching Robots New Tasks through Natural Interaction
    A.L. Thomaz, E. Lieven, M. Cakmak, J.Y. Chai, S. Garrod, W.D. Gray, S.C. Levinson, A. Paiva, N. Russwinkel
    ES Forum on Interactive Task Learning: Agents, Robots, and Humans Acquiring New Tasks through Natural Interactions, 2018
  9. late-breaking Multi-perspective multimodal and machine learning for accessible robotic web interface
    K Krishnaswamy, T Adamson, M Cakmak, T Oates
    Rehabilitation Engineering and Assistive Technology Society of North America Annual Conference (RESNA), 2018
  10. journal Interaction for Task Instruction and Learning
    Joyce Y. Chai, Maya Cakmak, Candance Sidner
    ES Forum on Interactive Task Learning: Agents, Robots, and Humans Acquiring New Tasks through Natural Interactions, 2018
  11. journal Accessible Making: Designing Makerspaces for Accessibility
    Katherine M. Steele, Brianna Blaser, Maya Cakmak
    International Journal of Designs for Learning, 2018


  1. conference Evaluating Older Adults Interaction with a Mobile Assistive Robot
    Caio Mucchiani, Suneet Sharma, Megan Johnson, Justine Sefcik, Nicholas Vivio, Justin Huang, Pamela Cacchione, Michelle J. Johnson, Roshan Rai, Adrian Canoso, Tessa Lau, Mark Yim
    IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems (IROS), 2017
  2. conference Learning Generalizable Surface Cleaning Actions from Demonstration
    Sarah Elliott, Zhe Xu, Maya Cakmak
    Robot and Human Interactive Communication (RO-MAN), 2017 26th IEEE International Symposium on, 2017
    [pdf] [bib]
  3. conference Efficient Programming of Manipulation Tasks by Demonstration and Adaptation
    Sarah Elliott, Russell Toris, Maya Cakmak
    Robot and Human Interactive Communication (RO-MAN), 2017 26th IEEE International Symposium on, 2017
    [pdf] [bib]
  4. conference Flexible User Specification of Perceptual Landmarks for Robot Manipulation
    Justin Huang, Maya Cakmak
    IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems (IROS), 2017
    [pdf] [bib]
  5. conference Toys that Listen: A Study of Parents, Children, and Internet-Connected Toys
    Emily McReynolds, Sarah Hubbard, Timothy Lau, Aditya Saraf, Maya Cakmak, Franziska Roesner
    ACM SIGCHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems (CHI), 2017
    [pdf] [bib]
  6. conference Code3: A System for End-to-End Programming of Mobile Manipulator Robots for Novices and Experts
    Justin Huang, Maya Cakmak
    ACM/IEEE International Conference on Human-Robot Interaction (HRI), 2017
    [pdf] [bib]
  7. conference Situated Tangible Robot Programming
    Yasaman Sefidgar, Prerna Agarwal, Maya Cakmak
    ACM/IEEE International Conference on Human-Robot Interaction (HRI), 2017
    Best paper award finalist [pdf] [bib]
  8. conference Computer Science Outreach with End-User Robot-Programming Tools
    Vivek Paramasivam, Justin Huang, Sarah Elliott, Maya Cakmak
    ACM Technical Symposium on Computing Science Education (SIGCSE), 2017
    [pdf] [bib]
  9. journal Efficient human-robot interaction: when should a robot take initiative during collaboration?
    Jimmy Baraglia, Maya Cakmak, Yukie Nagai, Rajesh P.N. Rao, Minoru Asada
    International Journal on Robotics Research (IJRR), 2017
  10. conference Interactive scene segmentation for efficient human-in-the-loop robot manipulation
    Daniel J. Butler, Sarah Elliot, Maya Cakmak
    IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems (IROS), 2017
  11. workshop A system for situated tangible programming of robot skills
    Yasaman Sefidgar, Sarah Elliott, Maya Cakmak
    IROS Workshop on Learning for Collaborative Robotics: Enabling Flexible, Redeployable and Agile Industrial Applications, 2017
  12. journal Comfort and Attitudes Towards Robots Among Young, Middle‐Aged, and Older Adults: A Cross‐Sectional Study
    Uba Backonja, Amanda K. Hall, Ian Painter, L Kneale, Amanda Lazar, Maya Cakmak, Hilaire J. Thompson, George Demiris
    Journal of Nursing Scholarship, 2017


  1. journal Computational Human-Robot Interaction
    Andrea Thomaz, Guy Hoffman, Maya Cakmak
    Foundations and Trends in Robotics, 2016
  2. conference Autonomous Question Answering with Mobile Robots in Human-Populated Environments
    Michael J. Chung, Andrzej Pronobis, Maya Cakmak, Dieter Fox, Rajesh P.N. Rao
    IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems (IROS), 2016
    [pdf] [bib]
  3. conference Iterative Design of a System for Programming Socially Interactive Service Robots
    Michael J. Chung, Justin Huang, Leila Takayama, Tessa Lau, Maya Cakmak
    International Conference on Social Robotics (ICSR), 2016
    [pdf] [bib]
  4. conference Automatic Adaptation of Online Language Lessons for Robot Tutoring
    Leah Perlmutter, Alexander Fiannaca, Eric Kernfeld, Sahil Anand, Lindsey Arnold, Maya Cakmak
    International Conference on Social Robotics (ICSR), 2016
    [pdf] [bib]
  5. conference Situated Language Understanding with Human-like and Visualization-Based Transparency
    Leah Perlmutter, Eric Kernfeld, Maya Cakmak
    Robotics: Science and Systems (R:SS), 2016
    [pdf] [bib] [video] [url]
  6. conference Making Objects Graspable in Confined Environments through Push and Pull Manipulation with a Tool
    Sarah Elliott, Michelle Valente, Maya Cakmak
    IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA), 2016
    [pdf] [bib] [video]
  7. conference Design and Evaluation of a Rapid Programming System for Service Robots
    Justin Huang, Tessa Lau, Maya Cakmak
    ACM/IEEE International Conference on Human-Robot Interaction (HRI), 2016
    [pdf] [bib] [code]
  8. conference Initiative in Robot Assistance during Collaborative Task Execution
    Jimmy Baraglia, Maya Cakmak, Yukie Nagai, Rajesh P.N. Rao, Minoru Asada
    ACM/IEEE International Conference on Human-Robot Interaction (HRI), 2016
    [pdf] [bib]
  9. conference Enabling Building Service Robots to Guide Blind People: a Participatory Design Approach
    Shiri Azenkot, Catherine Feng, Maya Cakmak
    ACM/IEEE International Conference on Human-Robot Interaction (HRI), 2016
    Best paper award finalist [pdf] [bib]


  1. journal Power to the people: The role of humans in interactive machine learning
    Saleema Amershi, Maya Cakmak, W. Bradley Knox, Todd Kulesza
    Artificial Intelligence Magazine, 2015
    [pdf] [bib]
  2. conference Supporting mental model accuracy in trigger-action programming
    Justin Huang, Maya Cakmak
    ACM International Joint Conference on Pervasive and Ubiquitous Computing (UbiComp), 2015
    [pdf] [bib]
  3. conference Designing Information Gathering Robots for Human-Populated Environments
    Michael J. Chung, Andrzej Pronobis, Maya Cakmak, Dieter Fox, Rajesh P.N. Rao
    IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems (IROS), 2015
    [pdf] [bib]
  4. conference Adaptive Coordination Strategies for Human-Robot Handovers
    Chien-Ming Huang, Maya Cakmak, Bilge Mutlu
    Robotics: Science and Systems (R:SS), 2015
    [pdf] [bib] [url]
  5. conference RoboFlow: A Flow-based Visual Programming Language for Mobile Manipulation Tasks
    Zachary Tatlock Sonya Alexandrova, Maya Cakmak
    IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA), 2015
    [pdf] [bib] [video]
  6. conference Robot Programming by Demonstration with Situated Spatial Language Understanding
    Maxwell Forbes, Rajesh P.N. Rao, Luke Zettlemoyer, Maya Cakmak
    IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA), 2015
    [pdf] [bib] [video]
  7. conference The Privacy-Utility Tradeoff for Remotely Teleoperated Robots
    Daniel J. Butler, Justin Huang, Franziska Roesner, Maya Cakmak
    ACM/IEEE International Conference on Human-Robot Interaction (HRI), 2015
    [pdf] [bib]
  8. late-breaking Design of a Guide Robot for Blind People in Indoor Environments
    Catherine Feng, Shiri Azenkot, Maya Cakmak
    ACM/IEEE International Conference on Human-Robot Interaction (HRI) – Late breaking reports, 2015
    [pdf] [bib]
  9. late-breaking Visual Robot Programming for Generalizable Mobile Manipulation Tasks
    Sonya Alexandrova, Zachary Tatlock, Maya Cakmak
    ACM/IEEE International Conference on Human-Robot Interaction (HRI) – Late breaking reports, 2015
    [pdf] [bib]
  10. late-breaking Exploring the Potential of Information Gathering Robots
    Michael J. Chung, Andrzej Pronobis, Maya Cakmak, Dieter Fox, Rajesh P.N. Rao
    ACM/IEEE International Conference on Human-Robot Interaction (HRI) – Late breaking reports, 2015
    [pdf] [bib]


  1. conference Robot Programming by Demonstration with Crowdsourced Action Fixes
    Maxwell Forbes, Michael J. Chung, Maya Cakmak, Rajesh P.N. Rao
    AAAI Conference on Human Computation and Crowdsourcing (HCOMP), 2014
    [pdf] [bib]
  2. conference Enhanced robotic cleaning with a low-cost tool attachment
    Zhe Xu, Maya Cakmak
    IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems (IROS), 2014
    [pdf] [bib] [video]
  3. conference Robot programming by demonstration with interactive action visualizations
    Sonya Alexandrova, Maya Cakmak, Kaijen Hsiao, Leila Takayama
    Robotics: Science and Systems (R:SS), 2014
    [pdf] [bib] [video] [url]
  4. conference Accelerating imitation learning through crowdsourcing
    Michael J. Chung, Maxwell Forbes, Maya Cakmak, Rajesh P.N. Rao
    IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA), 2014
    [pdf] [bib] [video]
  5. conference Teaching people how to teach robots: The effect of instructional materials and dialog design
    Maya Cakmak, Leila Takayama
    ACM/IEEE International Conference on Human-Robot Interaction (HRI), 2014
    [pdf] [bib] [video]
  6. conference Programming by Demonstration with Situated Semantic Parsing
    Yoav Artzi, Maxwell Forbes, Kenton Lee, Maya Cakmak
    AAAI Fall Symposium Series: Artificial Intelligence for Human-Robot Interaction, 2014
    [pdf] [bib]
  7. workshop Robot Factors: An Alternative Approach for Closing the Gap in Human versus Robot Manipulation
    Zhe Xu, Maya Cakmak
    RSS Workshop on Human versus Robot Grasping and Manipulation – How Can We Close the Gap?, 2014
    [pdf] [bib]
  8. workshop Grounding Antonym Adjective Pairs through Interaction
    Maxwell Forbes, Michael J. Chung, Maya Cakmak, Luke Zettlemoyer, Rajesh P.N. Rao
    HRI Workshop on Humans and Robots in Asymmetric Interactions, 2014
    [pdf] [bib]